Sunday, September 18, 2016

Wow that sounds like a fun trip. Hey we will only be gone for so long.
So look forward to when we come back. It makes me feel good to hear
how proud you are of me. So thank you mom. So this week there's
nothing really to say but next I will because we are going on 2
exchanges this week so there will be plenty to write about. Sorry it's
so short this week. Just know that I love you all and keep having fun.

"Judge everyone by their heart not by their size, appearance,
ethnicity, background or social status. In my life the friends that
I've had from the time I've met them till now are the ones that
haven't had the best situation growing up or are the outcast or deal
with difficult situations in their lives. But the reason they are
still my friends are not because they are cool or have expensive
things or have money but because of their heart and what's on the
inside. Because the world judges what's on the outside but God judges
what's on the inside and that's what I do too. Judge everyone by their
heart not by their size, appearance, ethnicity, background or social
status"- Elder Neyman

Elder Neyman

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